Invoices with Supporting Documentation

When a vendor sends in an invoice with multiple supporting docs (e.g. bill of lading, packing list, etc) as separate pdf files, Ramp creates a draft bill for each pdf file included in the email. I know I can click into each file and choose to attach it to the corresponding bill while it is still in drafts, but it would be great if we could select all of the supporting doc files on the overview page to attach everything at once versus one by one.

On a related note, currently we can only attach a draft bill doc to another draft bill. If would be helpful to be able to attach a draft file to a bill that has already been created. Often times, suppliers update or send additional shipping documents. It would be much easier to attach from the overview page versus having to locate the existing bill, clicking edit, and then uploading the supporting doc.

Hi @Bianca_Roman, thanks for the great product feedback.

I’ll pass this along to our Bill Pay team and we’ll let you know if any updates occur that will help with your requests.

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