Accidental charge

What do I do with a charge the cardholder flagged as Accidental? Is there a way to delete it?

Hi @Devra_Feshbach-Meriney - thanks for the question! The transaction can’t be deleted, but it can be repaid. To do this, the cardholder will click on the accidental transaction → click “Repay” on the bottom right-hand side of the screen → fill in the details → click “Repay” again to confirm.

As an admin, you can request repayment, & monitor this process to ensure the repayment is made. If the transaction is not repaid, you can flag it for repayment.

:point_right: Here’s a little more info about accidental charges.

Hope this is helpful!


Can you mark it as paid offline if they decide to bring a check in instead?

Hi @Mary_Newell great question! At this time this is not an option, but I’ll put in a product flag to our team.

In the meantime you could start by requesting repayment from the employee and once they bring in the check, you could ‘Cancel Request’ for repayment. This can be done on the transaction where there’s a big button to ‘Cancel Request’. That way your employee is held accountable by Ramp system to repay, but can pay the company back outside of ACH. It’s not a perfect solution, but hopefully this would work for now.

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