Add defaults for accouting fields to a Trip for future transactions

It would be nice if all Accounting Fields (out of the box + custom ones) could be configured by the employee on the trip level, so that any additional transaction that is linked to the trip, will automatically inherit the values that were stored on the trip. The user should still be able to change the coding on the individual transaction. But it would save them some time, not having to pick the same values for each transaction.

Example : We have an accounting field for “Tradeshow” where card holders need to select from a list of trade shows we attend in the current year. Between meals, flights, hotels, etc. each card holder has probably 10-15 transactions for one trade show. Right now, they have to manually select the tradeshow on each transaction, instead of being able to just once set it on the trip and not have to worry about it anymore.

Hi @RHOU! Sheridan from the Ramp Success team here-- Thank you for this insight. For this particular situation, I might consider using card rule(s).

For example, you can create and assign a user a virtual card for ‘Trade Show A’, with a card rule for the GL Account/Accounting Field in place. This would mean that any transaction on the virtual card would be automatically coded to your ‘Trade Show A’ GL Account/Accounting Field. This would make the virtual cards more ‘trip specific’. A user could also have many virtual cards for other Trade Shows, with their respective coding in place.

Coding rules can we created on the card level → Edit Card → Accounting → Add → Category.

I hope this helps shed some insight-- I will, however, submit a Product Request for the idea above because I could see the value this feature add-on would bring.


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The effort to

  1. create virtual cards for each trade show using a spend program
  2. setup the card rules to link the cards to the accounting field
  3. train employees to relink their physical card prior to each event to a new virtual card
  4. then ensure that if they forgot to do that, verify that they relinked transactions to the correct card
    is all more effort, than what we currently do, which is pick the trade show on the accounting dimension for each transaction.

The most intuitive way would be have some defaults on the trip, since it is easy to configure, doesn’t require additional cards and employees can do it themselves, without any admin help.