Adding Attendee to expenses

Hello, I am trying to create an expense rule that if the expense type is Restaurant then attendees is required. However, for the life of me I cannot find that option anywhere? Can someone please help?


Hi! @Ngoc_Nguyen - while Ramp allows you to add attendees to transactions, especially for restaurants, we currently don’t have a feature that makes this mandatory.

Great news for you - this feature will be released in the next two months! :partying_face: In the meantime, please instruct your employees to manually add attendees to their transactions.


As a note - @Ngoc_Nguyen and @charlotte - I don’t believe Attendees can be added via the phone app currently.

If that is still true, then I’d hesitate to make adding Attendees “Mandatory” (unless all of the users already use the browser for Ramp most of the time, instead of their phone).

Hi Lori! @Accounts_Payable you’re correct – a great call-out! This will be rolled out on mobile in the coming months as well :slight_smile:


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