⌨️ Allow "End" & "Home" keyboard keys in Memo fields

:keyboard: As subject says, please allow the use of “End” & “Home” keyboard keys in Memo fields when typing long memos/descriptions. Right now, I have to hold the right and left arrow keys to get to a particular spot in the memo to edit. Should be an easy fix to standardize this entry field and save us editing time. Thank you!

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Hi Daniel! Welcome to the forum & thank you for the suggestion here :slightly_smiling_face:

Definitely understand the use case and how this would be helpful. I spoke to the engineering team and they’re looking into this – hoping to have an update for you on this by the end of the week!


To add to this, an option for memo/descriptions or other text answers in the spend program build your own answers to show all text like in the activity fields. It is currently a one line that approvers need to scroll thorough.

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Hi Nicki, I hope you had a nice weekend! Thank you for the suggestion; I passed it along to our Product team.


Hi @Daniel_Huls – our Eng team updated this, and it’s now live in Ramp! :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much!

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