Any Property Management Companies out there using Track?

Looking for other property mgmt companies using Ramp and/or Track PMS.

We use Ramp!

Hi Daniel, what property management software are you using for billing, owner statements? Curious to see if anyone else has built a connection from Ramp to Track (our PMS).


We use AppFolio for all the rental accounting. Ramp card is used for buying appliances, syncing to Quickbooks (our company accounting software), and then the QB invoice is entered into AppFolio to charge the owner.

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Ok gotcha. We use a similar process but I am having the accounting team use data directly from Ramp to manually bill the owners in our PMS system. Iā€™d love to have this integrate directly as it would save so much time and money on the data entry part.

I am familiar with AF, do you email the QBO invoice to the smart bill entry feature and let AF read the data? Unfortunately Track PMS does not have something like that so we are manually entering a ton of transactions every month.

Thanks for the insights.


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