Better text matching to charges, or 86 the feature

One of the greatest frustrations or Ramp’s wonderful platform, especially with busy higher-ups who don’t spend much time on upkeep of their expenses, is the texting of memos to match with Ramp charges. Members of management often have many transactions in many locations, so specificity is required to be able to identify charges, however Ramp consistently mismatches memos to charges. Management isn’t likely to review their expenses after texting their memo, so they are inconvenienced when their administrator or the accounting department (me) needs to request that they satisfy a requirement they believed they satisfied.
I wish I could convince them to use the app, but until then, I wish the text feature would have better ways to match the transaction memo to the transaction, or it would be made unavailable.

Hey Jake,

I am an Engineer at Ramp, working on improving the SMS product. Ideally this shouldn’t happen as we match the memos to the latest transactions (or latest ramp message). Would love to hear more about these cases, and any other specific concerns. I will follow up on your email to hear more from you.

If anyone else is facing similar issues or has ideas here, we would love to connect with them too.