Bill Pay Approval Workflow

Hello Everyone, we recently started using Bill Pay feature in Ramp, we are not able to figure out how to build approval workflow in Bill Pay similar to what we have in Credit Cards, which is employee specific, meaning if an employee submits an invoice it routes automatically to their manager? Currently we have to manually route the invoices depending upon hierarchy.

Hi! @Pankaj_Sachdeva If you’re on Ramp Plus, you can use the custom approval workflow feature. This will allow you to route approval requests based on various conditions, like employee roles, department, manager, etc.

Go to the Expense Policy tab (under “Company”) → Approvals → Bills. Image of what this looks like below:

Once in the Bill Pay Approvals, you can customize your workflows based on the options in the drop-down menu! Sharing an example below for a “direct Ramp manager.”

Please let me know if you have further questions here :slight_smile:
