Ability to bulk edit memos, the same way we currently have the option to bulk edit various other fields.
Hi Nick! Thank you for the helpful feedback - are you specifically look to bulk edit memos as an admin for transactions incurred by other employees at your company?
We currently do support bulk editing memos for your own transactions or reimbursements - if you go into My Ramp > Overview or My Ramp > Reimbursements and bulk select the appropriate transactions, the edit feature at the bottom of the report should allow you to bulk edit memos. Let me know if you need more clarification here!
As for bulk editing in the expenses or accounting tab, I’d love to understand your use case more! Is there a specific scenario you’re often running into that this feature would be especially helpful for? Once I have more context, I can definitely pass on as product feedback!
Hi Haley! Apologies for the delayed answer. I was posting on behalf of one of our cardholders who requested the enhancement. I believe she was referring specifically to credit card transactions (not reimbursements) in the Accounting tab. From that screen, there’s no option to edit the Memo field:
However, I do see in the My Ramp> Overview screen that there’s the “Edit Memo” option showing on my screen. Thank you for providing that workaround! I’ll be sure to pass along the information to our cardholder who requested the enhancement, and I’ll keep you posted if she runs into any issues or has any other suggestions related to the original request!
Hi Hailey,
Hope all is well! Just wanted to circle back to see if there are any plans to add in the mass edit memo functionality in the Accounting tab? I also wanted to provide a specific use case that we just ran into. In this scenario, there are 23 transactions from one of our cardholders that we want to update each of the memos to say the same information. The cardholder is not able to bulk edit the memo on her end through the “My Ramp> Overview” workaround suggested above. So, the only option would be for the reviewer to copy/paste the same information into each of the 23 transactions’ memos (as opposed to just mass editing like I’m able to for all of our other dimensions, i.e. GL account).
Not a huge deal from our end, but would be a time-saver and I feel like would also be a beneficial feature to have in case we (and any other Ramp users) run into a similar situation in the future.
Thank you!