Founders at small companies are often challenged by the accounting concept of Expense vs Cash. It would be nice to have a way to switch the reporting to a “Cash View” where it would only show transactions paid for.
For example, I pay my cc amount of $75k on 7/24 which pays for activity occurring between 6/18 - 7/20. Any activity from 7/21 to 7/24 has not been paid for yet. Yes, it was paid via a card but there has been no cash outlay for it. Having a way to manipulate the data with a toggle of paid vs unpaid, in cash terms, may be useful.
A workaround would be to run reports only up until the date of payment, but this can sometimes not tie perfectly bc of the timing of payment. Having a button you could just click to remove all non paid items (or vice versa) would be cool. Likely more a nice to have than a need but just throwing it out there.