Credit Card Reports

I would like to be able to review credit card charges and the gl coding before the statement comes out. Am I able to run a report with a from and to date that would show up like the statement and allow me to see what gl information is being coded to each entry?

On your Accounting → Ramp Card tab you can click the button near the top right that looks like a calendar and filter to your date range:

Then select all charges and press the Export All button. Unfortunately this will clear all of these items out of your dashboard, so you need to click the â‹® button in the top left to go to your export history, click the date you just exported, and unsync them to bring them back.


Thank you so much for your help :slight_smile:

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@Wendy_Meagher-Barnett - New feature is about to come out that will give you a more direct way to solve for this (You won’t need to “Export & Unsync” as @Noah_Jacobs mentioned.

Under Transactions, on the right side, you will see a `Download transactions button. From there, you can run an Advanced export with any GL information you want.

See this screenshots:

CleanShot 2024-07-01 at 14.30.25@2x

This is in Beta - let me know if you want me to ask the team to turn it on for you?

Please please turn this on for me :slight_smile:

Also it would be great if the GL numbers would show up not the explanation of the gl codes, I go by the numbers as I am sure that many do and I have to go in and change everything to the correct number in order to reconcile and that takes up valuable time

Yep that is in there :slight_smile:

Ill ask your AM (Blake) check to make sure you are added to the Beta.

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