Export Drafts Report

  • The ability to export a report list of bill pay drafts

  • Currently the only export feature on the drafts page is a zip file of all invoices and not a csv list of drafts. For cashflow planning purposes our director would like to know what is pending. I currently export the list of bills in the approval section weekly and it would be helpful to also be able to pull a separate report of the drafts that are pending. Since we know we’ll owe the money but are just waiting on further action from the team it is relevant information to our financial planning.

Hi @Lizzy_Speights, Izzy here from the Scaled Customer Success Team at Ramp.

You’re able to export bills that are still being drafted (those under the ‘Missing info’ or ‘Ready to Review’ section) by clicking the checkmark on the left side of the bill within the ‘Overview’ tab, then using the downward arrow on the right side of the page (in line with the Search bar) to select the ‘Export’ option. This option will also allow you to download them in a CSV file.

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Thank you for your reply. I just tried this and I’m still only seeing an option to download invoices (.ZIP), I don’t see anything for a CSV list. Anything with “Missing Info” or “Ready to Review” is affected.