Flag for items not Received in Bill pay

Can we please get a flag in bill pay when a bill is matched to a PO but the line item has not been received on the PO. We don’t want to pay invoices for items that have not been received and there is no way to see this without clicking into every bill. Thank you!

Hi Jessica! :wave:

This is possible with our 3-way match feature (read more here). Once a bill is matched to a PO with item receipts, the receiving status is displayed directly on the bill’s line items. If the billed units have not been received, an alert will be shown, indicating that the items have not been received. This helps ensure that you don’t pay invoices for items that have not been received without needing to click into every bill. This feature is only for Ramp Plus.


Hi Charlotte, thanks for your response. I am not seeing the flag. So, I am in the Bill Pay - “for payment” tab. This is where we want to see the flag (on the overall to pay screen). If I click into each individual invoice, then I do see the flag if it hasn’t been received. But the people releasing payment for bills do not want to click into each invoice individually to ensure it has been received first. They want to have everything in the “for payment” screen and release them all at once. Hope this makes sense.