Integrating with Ramp: Re-creating UCSV Export with API Endpoints


My name is Matthew Pirtle, and I’m part of the Technical Solutions team here at Ramp. I wanted to share some details on how to recreate our Universal CSV export using API endpoints. This chart outlines the specific API calls you’ll need to make in order to retrieve the same data that is included in our CSV export.

I hope you find it helpful! :grinning:

I’d also love to hear feedback from others on which API endpoints you’d like to see Ramp expose, as well as how you would utilize them in your workflows!

CSV Column Corresponding Field API Call + Notes
Transaction Time user_transaction_time GET /developer/v1/transactions
Transaction Date user_transaction_time GET /developer/v1/transactions In the csv, date and time are separate and re-formatted but in the api they are returned together as a timestamp.
Accounting Date accounting_date GET /auth/transactions
Clearing Time settlement_date GET /developer/v1/transactions
Amount amount GET /developer/v1/transactions
Amount Repaid not directly available The amount of the matching reimbursement; (code reference: transaction_repayment_data)
Repayment Date not directly available Same as above, it is the max(reimbursement.created_at)
User not directly available need to grab the user_id and call the GET user/<user_id> endpoint to get the equivalent information in the csv
Merchant Description merchant_descriptor GET /developer/v1/transactions
Merchant Name merchant_name GET /developer/v1/transactions
Merchant City available under merchant_location for US transactions GET /developer/v1/transactions
Merchant State available under merchant_location for US transactions GET /developer/v1/transactions
Ramp Category sk_category_name GET /developer/v1/transactions
Ramp Department not directly available need to get the location_id and call GET locations/<id> endpoint
Ramp Location not directly available GET /developer/v1/transactions
Card Last 4 not directly available need to get the card_id and call GET cards/<id> endpoint
Card Present not available via any api call
Card Display Name not directly available need to get the card_id and call GET cards/<id> endpoint
Memo memo GET /developer/v1/transactions
Transaction Link use the transaction’s uuid to form a link Example:{uuid}
Has Receipt len(receipts) > 0
Receipts Link use the receipt’s uuid to form a link Example:{uuid}
External ID RAMP.{uuid}
Header Memo min date among transactions and current date
Ramp Entity entity id → get/entities → name
Accounting Sync Date synced_at
Approved By
MCC Code merchant_category_code
Accounting Category Code accounting_field_selections then get the accounting field id and option id to find out the codings
Accounting Category accounting_field_selections then get the accounting field id and option id to find out the codings
Accounting Department accounting_field_selections then get the accounting field id and option id to find out the codings
Accounting Location not available
Accounting Subsidiary accounting_field_selections then get the accounting field id and option id to find out the codings
Accounting Merchant accounting_field_selections then get the accounting field id and option id to find out the codings
Accounting Billable accounting_field_selections then get the accounting field id and option id to find out the codings
Accounting Client Reference accounting_field_selections then get the accounting field id and option id to find out the codings
Accounting Tax Code accounting_field_selections then get the accounting field id and option id to find out the codings
Accounting Vendor accounting_field_selections then get the accounting field id and option id to find out the codings
Original Currency Amount original_transaction_amount GET /developer/v1/transactions that is the amount before the conversion
Original Currency Code currency_code GET /developer/v1/transactions
Conversion Rate not directly available GET /developer/v1/transactions Get amount and original_transaction_amount do abs(amount/original_transaction_amount) and then format
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