Mass Edit Capability for Cards and Employees (via CSV export / import)

It would be really nice if all data in the system could be mass edited via export / import via CSV or Excel, especially Cards and Employees.

For instance, I wanted to enable Reimbursements for 80 existing cards that are not tied to a spend program, but had to do it one by one. Or if I want to make limit edits to many different cards, it would be a lot faster to export the cards to CSV, make all edits at once and reupload the file again than clicking into each record.

And when trying to make mass changes to employees, it would be nice to have the option to export the list and reimport it again to be able to update Department, etc.

Hi Robert! Thank you for sharing. I just spoke with our team that focuses on the Admin experience, and we have received this feedback previously. I will keep you updated if anything gets added to the Product Roadmap. Let me know if there’s anything else related to bulk editing you’d like to pass along to the team :slight_smile:


Great feedback @RHOU !

I have the same need - but would like to bulk edit within the product (select multiple cards/employees & bulk edit)

Would you prefer that or export/import?

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We would LOVE to be able to bulk edit (upload a file or something), our use case is bulk editing the Department on the Employee record for 400+ people. Going one by one is painful.

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