Personal mileage recorded- home to office

For mileage, can you add a negative line? For example, typical home to office is 10 miles. Business event submitting reimbursement for is 60 miles. I’m actually only eligible for 50 miles. Or it may even be a better feature to allow you to enter a “home to office” mileage value to my profile that is automatically subtracted when I submit for a mileage reimbursement. So my typical commute from home to office is 10 miles. I set that in my profile under “daily miles”. When I submit an expense reimbursement for mileage, I can enter my to and from address. Ramp looks up the daily miles in the profile and subtracts that from the reimbursement.

Hey Gina! Thanks for posting. :slightly_smiling_face:

We have a feature that automatically deducts commute mileage from reimbursement claims! It can be turned on in the reimbursement settings. Below is a screenshot of what it (“enable commute deductions”) looks like :

Employees can set their home and office addresses and choose whether to deduct one-way or round-trip mileage.

We’d love to hear how this feature works for you & the team!


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Hi Charlotte!

Will the ability to deduct commute be added to the mobile app? Unless I am missing something, this doesn’t seem available.


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Hi Brett, Mobile PM here. So glad you asked - this feature is coming soon to the mobile app! Keep an eye out in the next couple months. And please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any feedback or other questions. -Katie

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