PO and Bill Matching

We have overbilling protection setup in procurement. However, we do not include shipping and tax costs on purchase orders since the people submitting a procurement request do not know this information. Invoices are getting blocked because Ramp alerts for “overbilling” with a shipping or tax line item. We do not want to have to go into the PO and add them after we receive a bill. Is it possible in bill pay to have a separate shipping or tax box that is not associated and does not create a new line item on the bill?
Or could we add “key words” to the overbilling protection block that says not to block line items that contain the words shipping or tax? Just trying to find alternative as we will not be able to use overbilling protection because of this issue.
Looking for suggestions on how we can use this. Thanks!

Hey Jessica, TK here from the product team. Appreciate you sharing this feedback. I understand the situation when line items are missing on the PO and then overbilling protection is blocking bill creation. We’ve internally discussed two features to make this a better experience:

  1. Allowing overbilling to not be blocking for bill submission i.e. customizing thresholds that can trigger additional approvals instead of blocking them.
  2. Excluding shipping/tax line items on bills from overbilling (as you mentioned)

We’re working closely with our Bill Pay team to improve this experience so we will circle back with an update once it’s available.

For now, I’d recommend making overbilling not blocking for bill submission and use the PO match condition “If Bill exceeds Purchase Order” and set up additional approvals. Even without overbilling protection, we will automatically flag overbilling on the Bill <> PO line item match.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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Thanks so much for your response, TK! Yes, please update when some new features are available. We will stick to the additional approvals with the condition on if bill exceed PO for now. Hopefully there will be a way for us to use the overbilling protection in the future. Greatly appreciate your response and feedback to this issue!

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