If you have a question about how the Ramp product works, are trying to resolve a bug, or curious to learn about best practices from other companies, this category is for you! Some general guidelines to follow when posting in this category:
Search before you post
Your question may have been asked by another member of the community, so be sure to look through solutions before adding a new topic. Our help center is also a great resource, so be sure to look through those articles as well!
Be as detailed as possible
Write your question in the topic title and add any helpful context in the description or discussion below, which may include links or relevant articles you may be referencing. This will help fellow community members and moderators answer your question thoroughly!
Add detailed tags
We encourage you to use tags for all categories in the forum! In this section, tags will help ensure your post is found by the right audience that is best equipped to answer your question or share their insights. You can select an existing tag or create a new one! Examples may include ERP, industry, product, role at company, etc.
Mark your question when solved
Each reply has the option to mark as a “Solution” if it directly solves the question - this will help keep posts organized and easier for future community members to find the answers they’re looking for!
If you are looking for more in-depth support related to your specific Ramp setup, we recommend reaching out to support here. If you have already submitted a support ticket, please do not create a duplicate post in the forum! Our team should get back to you quickly and be able to resolve your question.