Sample Expense Policy with Ramp process

Hello! Does anyone have a T&E policy that includes the Ramp processes? I am starting from scratch and would love to be able to see what other companies have done. Thanks!

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Happy Monday, Lauren!

Sheridan from the Ramp team here-- thought I would share the following resource with you, as you begin to build out your Expense Policy. Check out the Ramp ‘Expense Policy Builder’ here.

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This is great! Thank you so much for sharing!!!


Hey Lauren!

Would be happy to talk offline too, but does the business have a T&E direction? Ramp makes it super easy to set thresholds and limits that the business is comfortable with.

Some of the big things for us were that we be fair with pricing knowing our heavily traffic’d cities are usually HCOL areas, and we revise whenever we get feedback the “normal” price of a decent hotel has remained close or above our threshold.

We also talk about meals and travel days, since business travel is on behalf of the business we cover almost all meals on travel days (but you can’t pay for breakfast if your flight is at 5pm).

We’ve also adopted the trust but verify Ramp champions - here’s the guardrails, don’t spend frivolously and you better be able to justify how the spend furthers the business if its on your Ramp card.

Happy to chat further on specifics too!

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