The filter options on all the pages (e.g. Transactions, Reimbursement, Accounting, etc.) are really nice, but there is no way to save them for repeated use.
It would be really nice if I could save my filters as a new “View” or “Saved Search” and give it a name.
Then it would be nice, if Dashboards could be built with those saved views. On the dashboard the icon would show the number of transactions and the total $ amount of all the numbers in each view.
- View 1: Wellness Stipend Transactions over $100
- View 2: Airline Transactions of Department Y
- View 3: Additional Accounting Field Y is missing (definition: Transactions where Accounting Field was coded to X but additional Accounting field Y is incorrectly coded to N/A)
Then on the dashboard I could decide to place View 1 and View 3 and it would look like this: And clicking on the tile would get me back to the individual transaction list already showing my filters.