Search on Bill Description

Hi there!

My team would love the ability to search for text contained in the bill “Description” field in Ramp Bill Pay. We keep important identifying information in the description and it would be nice if we could search for a string of text and results came up. Right now, when we search for a string of text contained in the description, no results appear.

If this is already possible, and we are missing something, please let me know! Thanks!

Hey Devon! I just submitted this feedback to our team.

In the meantime, you can search, sort, and filter for vendors within the Vendor Management tab by vendor name, category, owner, department, location, status, payment type, and tax status (read more here).

Thank you, as always!


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Thanks Charlotte!

On the vendor tab it does seem possible to add a description to a vendor profile and then search for a vendor based on the text contained in the description. Looking for that same exact functionality for bills entered in Bill Pay. We want to search for a bill based on the text contained in the description.

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