Switching Accounting Providers

My name is Matt and I’m part of the Account Management team at Ramp. Today, I wanted to share some best practices for switching your accounting system connected to Ramp.

  1. Review the Switching Accounting Providers Guide
  • This is required reading and provides an overview of recommended steps!
  • Please note, if you’re using Ramp Bill Pay pay close attention to Steps 2, 7 & 10
  1. Align on the “cutover date”
  • This is the date you plan to disconnect your old accounting system and connect the new one.
  • The further out in advance you can choose this date the better!
  1. Align on a “final close” process
  • Reconcile all expenses (transactions & reimbursements) + Bill Payments to the old ERP, before your cutover date.
  • Conceptually, this is the final time you’ll reconcile to your old chart of accounts before disconnecting from Ramp.
  1. Confirm everything has been reconciled to your previous chart of accounts
  • IMPORTANT: When we disconnect legacy COA we will lose coding in Ramp
  1. Disconnect legacy ERP
  • Accounting Tab > Settings (top right) > Disconnect Accounting
  1. Connect new ERP
  • Once you’ve successfully connected your new ERP to Ramp be sure to recreate any accounting rules, expense policies, vendor mappings/defaults, and card programs.
  1. You’re all set!
  • You’re all done! Any card transactions or reimbursements dated in the new period can now be synced across to the new system
  • Approving a bill will create it in the new system and paying the bill in Ramp will record that bill as paid

Hope this is helpful! If anyone is interested in attending a live event about switching ERPs, let us know! We’d love to host a virtual session about this topic if there is enough interest :grinning:


When you say this, do you mean for exported and archived transactions as well, or the ability to use those codes going forward on existing and active charges?

Hi! Yes to both – when you disconnect your current accounting system, the transactions in Ramp will no longer show the old accounting codes related to that system. However, it will not delete any data that’s already in that accounting system.

Please let me know if this doesn’t answer your question - happy to try to share more info.

Thank you!