My name is Matt and I’m part of the Account Management team at Ramp. Today, I wanted to share some best practices for switching your accounting system connected to Ramp.
- Review the Switching Accounting Providers Guide
- This is required reading and provides an overview of recommended steps!
- Please note, if you’re using Ramp Bill Pay pay close attention to Steps 2, 7 & 10
- Align on the “cutover date”
- This is the date you plan to disconnect your old accounting system and connect the new one.
- The further out in advance you can choose this date the better!
- Align on a “final close” process
- Reconcile all expenses (transactions & reimbursements) + Bill Payments to the old ERP, before your cutover date.
- Conceptually, this is the final time you’ll reconcile to your old chart of accounts before disconnecting from Ramp.
- Confirm everything has been reconciled to your previous chart of accounts
- IMPORTANT: When we disconnect legacy COA we will lose coding in Ramp
- Disconnect legacy ERP
- Accounting Tab > Settings (top right) > Disconnect Accounting
- Connect new ERP
- Once you’ve successfully connected your new ERP to Ramp be sure to recreate any accounting rules, expense policies, vendor mappings/defaults, and card programs.
- You’re all set!
- You’re all done! Any card transactions or reimbursements dated in the new period can now be synced across to the new system
- Approving a bill will create it in the new system and paying the bill in Ramp will record that bill as paid
Hope this is helpful! If anyone is interested in attending a live event about switching ERPs, let us know! We’d love to host a virtual session about this topic if there is enough interest