Top feature requests from community events 🚨 comment and upvote in this thread!

It’s been great to hear your feedback and feature suggestions during our community events! In this thread, I’ve shared some top feature requests.

We’d love to learn more about customer use cases for each of these features, so reply with any thoughts or insights in this thread if you’d like to share more!

Top Feature Requests from Community Events

:construction: 1. Project-based budget management through Ramp, enabling scheduled payments and approval functionality for projects

:speech_balloon: 2. Exporting comment history associated with transactions

:heavy_dollar_sign: 3. Custom descriptions across split transactions

:receipt: 4. Enable tax tracking for receipts (helpful for nonprofits!)

:memo: 5. Auto-fill memos based on receipt information

:busts_in_silhouette: 6. Assigning multiple users to a single virtual card


#2, 3, 4, & 5 would be helpful for my card users.

  1. This would be very helpful for a couple of potential companies I’m thinking of switching to ramp.
    Especially if it can sync to the projects added into QBO.

  2. I don’t think I’d like this feature simply because I’m requiring a memo to be entered from our employees for one company that tells me why they purchased something. I don’t need what they purchased in the memo auto filling and completing that requirement.

  3. This would be very helpful.


We would benefit from all. The top ones would be #3, #4, and #5.

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Of this list, #3 would be our top request and would be super-helpful! We need the description to go with the expense line-item also!

#6 would also be helpful, as our IT department has some recurring cloud tools that not one user is responsible for.

Thank you!

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This is a bit silly, but there’s one particular cardholder in my office who is stuck in their ways and can’t get with photographing receipts. They still bring me paper receipts even though I’ve shown them the proper way. But they are a revenue driver and part of my job is to support that, so I would love to be able to just photograph the receipts myself and text them to Ramp, only the system can’t match other peoples’ charges with my phone number. I would think #6 would solve my problem!

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2, 4, & 5 please!

Specifically 4 for VAT receipts (from the UK).

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