Track - Property Management System - Looking for Integration/Best Practices

Hi All,

Interested in learning if anyone here is using Ramp in conjunction with Track PMS for their property management software. All of our customer billing is manually being entered into Track but looking for help with configuring api or direct integration from Ramp to Track.

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Not at the moment! I would love to hear more, though.

Looking for help in integrating Ramp card transactions to a software that allows for api but we don’t have a developer on our team so wasn’t sure if anyone else had figured it out yet. Doesn’t seem like anyone uses both of these systems.

Hey Lisa! Sheridan from the Ramp team here-- I checked our database and it doesn’t look like we have any Ramp users currently using that Accounting software. However, as Ramp grows and expands its direct connection options, we will be sure to keep it in mind. I might talk with a representative from your Accounting software company to see if integrating with Ramp would be of interest for them, as some softwares build an API on their side.



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