Vendor Viewing

Just this week it seems that users with the Manager role that used to be able to view vendors can no longer view them. Has anyone else had this happen? Is there a way to change it? I haven’t been able to find anything so far and I’ve looked intermittently for 3 days now.
Thanks in Advance!

Hi Rebecca! Happy New Year :slight_smile: Thanks for the question.

If you can’t view a vendor, it might be because you’re not assigned as a Vendor Owner or because you haven’t made a payment to that vendor.

Managers should be able to view vendors that they or someone in their reporting structure has paid via card. If a user has been assigned as a Vendor Owner to a vendor paid via Bill Pay, they can also view those vendors and the associated details within the Vendor tab (read more about Vendor Owners here).

Additionally, if you want to have broader access to view all vendors, you might consider changing your role to Admin, AP Clerk, or Bookkeeper → these roles have access to the Vendor Management tab and can view all vendors and their associated details.

Hope this is helpful - let me know if you have follow-up questions!


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